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How to Make the Transition from Working to Home Easier

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Being back at work can be both stressful and difficult. To ease your transition, make sure to plan your daily commute and know the work hours and safety procedures at your workplace. It is possible to create a routine before you return to work. These steps will make you more prepared for your new job.

In-person meetings

In-person meetings will become more common, as travel restrictions have eased and meeting requirements are being relaxed. They still remain at pre-pandemic levels. Future-oriented leaders are helping redefine the definition of 'normal'. The first meeting with a virtual team for two years will likely be filled with relief, but also with apprehension.

Virtual meetings can have significant drawbacks as well. For example, virtual meetings may not allow people to see non-verbal cues, which comprise 80 percent of human communication. Virtual meetings tend to exclude people with differing communication styles. One Harvard Business Review study indicated that some people feel more comfortable speaking up during virtual meetings. This may lead to greater inclusion.

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Flexible policy for returning to the office

The Bank of England said it would not change its flexible return to office policy. The Bank of England cites health concerns and individual circumstances as reasons. Meanwhile, Canva has announced that it is creating a flexible work model for its employees. The company will put emphasis on flexibility, and no formal rules will apply to office attendance.

Flexibility is a key factor in attracting the best talent. But employees may not like the flexibility plan. 94% say they would prefer more flexibility regarding their location and their schedule, but two-thirds say they are limited or not allowed to adjust their hours.

Socializing reduces employee theft

Employees and employers often have problems with socializing, but this is not the only problem. Employees can become distracted and use company time to start their own businesses or socialize with co-workers. Time theft is a major problem in many workplaces. It is often hard to find the culprits. Employers can reduce the chance of time theft by giving employees flexible work schedules.

This type crime is so common, it has become one the leading causes of business collapses. It can cost companies billions of dollars each year. One estimate suggests that over 7% U.S. businesses are forced to close their doors due to employee theft. Over a third of employees have stolen at least once from their employers. Two-thirds of all cyber-attacks are also caused by employees.

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Remain fully remote

When it comes to employees returning from leave, different organizations have seen different results. Some employees had trouble managing the chaos. Others were able tap into a wider talent base. Although most companies are happy to have employees who work from home, there are other factors to consider before allowing them to work from home frequently.

Currently, nearly three in ten companies are using some kind of fully remote work model. Another third plans to continue to employ full-time, on-site employees while the majority of others plan to shift to a hybrid work model.

An Article from the Archive - Almost got taken down


How to Make the Transition from Working to Home Easier